DANIEL LEZNOFFB.Sc., Honours, York University, 1992
Ph.D., University of British Columbia, 1997 Post-doctorate, Condensed Matter Institute, University of Bordeaux (France), 1997-99 Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry Simon Fraser University Tel. (778) 782 4887 E-mail: [email protected] Downloadable CV Danny Leznoff was born and raised in Toronto and completed his B.Sc. at York University, concurrently studying Japanese language and literature, and spent a year as an official York University exchange student at Meiji University in Tokyo taking classes exclusively in Japanese; he has won several provincial and national Japanese language speech competitions. During his Ph.D. with Prof. Michael Fryzuk at UBC, he investigated the relatively unexplored area of organometallic compounds that contained unpaired electrons. He continued exploring magnetism as a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Bordeaux CNRS Condensed Matter Chemistry Institute with Prof. O. Kahn (the father of Molecular Magnetism), focusing on the synthesis and magnetism of nitroxide-substituted phosphines and their metal complexes. In 1999 he joined SFU-Chemistry, becoming Full Professor in 2009, and Distinguished Professor in 2024. He loves collaborating with colleagues worldwide and accordingly spent sabbatical years as a JSPS Long-term Invited Fellow at Kyushu University in Japan with Prof. Ken Sakai (2007), at the University of Strasbourg with Prof. Jean Weiss (2015) and as an Invited Visiting Professor at University Lyon 1 with Prof. Dominique Luneau (2019).
2024 Canadian Society for Chemistry Rio Tinto Award in Inorganic or Electrochemistry
2024 Distinguished Professorship (SFU)
2022 SFU Faculty of Science Teaching Award (for Course Team Teaching)
2019 Invited Visiting Professor, University Lyon 1
2017 Invited Professor, University of Strasbourg
2016 SFU Dean of Graduate Studies Excellence in Graduate Supervision
2016 SFU Excellence in Teaching Award
2015 Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada (FCIC)
2010 Canadian Society for Chemistry Strem Chemicals Award for Pure or Applied Inorganic Chemistry
2009 SFU Faculty of Science Teaching Award
2007 JSPS Long-Term Invitation Fellowship (Kyushu University, Japan)
1997-99 NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellowship
1996-97 I.W. Killam Pre-Doctoral Scholarship
1992-96 NSERC 1967 Science and Engineering Fellowship
2024 Distinguished Professorship (SFU)
2022 SFU Faculty of Science Teaching Award (for Course Team Teaching)
2019 Invited Visiting Professor, University Lyon 1
2017 Invited Professor, University of Strasbourg
2016 SFU Dean of Graduate Studies Excellence in Graduate Supervision
2016 SFU Excellence in Teaching Award
2015 Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada (FCIC)
2010 Canadian Society for Chemistry Strem Chemicals Award for Pure or Applied Inorganic Chemistry
2009 SFU Faculty of Science Teaching Award
2007 JSPS Long-Term Invitation Fellowship (Kyushu University, Japan)
1997-99 NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellowship
1996-97 I.W. Killam Pre-Doctoral Scholarship
1992-96 NSERC 1967 Science and Engineering Fellowship
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